honey, i’m finally home!
House of Krohn was established by Krohnark AS, an interior architecture and design studio, and it was born out of a desire to want more.
That is why we have opened this house, which is not only a showroom, a coworking space and an event space but will soon also include a shop and a catering.
We are looking forward to embarking on this journey, and we welcome everyone who wants to come along!
Interested in a collaboration?
Contact: hello@houseofkrohn.no
House of Krohn houses several different companies, within interior design, fashion, marketing and gastronomy.
A short introduction follows:
Challenging the convention since 2010.
Krohnark consists of an interdisciplinary team of architects and interior and graphic designers from different backgrounds.
We specialize in the rehabilitation of commercial buildings, with a main focus on office and workspace design.
We strongly believe that the only thing that is constant is change, and we have been lecturing about the office revolution for several years. Our goal is to create lasting spaces that meet the demands of the future, which are a meeting place for both interaction and culture, and that functions as a showcase for the company's profile and identity.
That is why we challenge ourselves and our projects to break boundaries, every day.
KROHN is a Norwegian fashion brand founded in 2022, by Anita Krohn Traaseth.
KROHN delivers slow fashion, seasonless suits and more — all with a bold and rebellious, yet sophisticated Nordic approach.
At KROHN, we believe in competence, character, and clothing — in that specific order.
As Anna Wintour has stated; “We don’t hire your wardrobe”.
KROHN seeks to redefine seasons with facts, hacks, and tools for people with drive. We encourage you to Claim Your Space.
Rosser works Lean Marketing.
It means that we sharpen communication, and cut everything that’s unnecessary. This also applies to our work routines.
We have solid working models that cover every area within communications – from strategy to implementation, no matter the media channel.
In our work, we function as an expanded part of our customers’ marketing team. Some of them are smaller, while others are among Norway’s most famous brands.
And we always provide great handywork and enthusiasm!
Heine Larsen
In House of Krohn, all art has been curated by art collector Heine Larsen.
You can purchase any of the artwroks directly through us.
You can also visit his own interior shop in Bygdøy Allé 56, 0265 Oslo, Norway
For questions about prices and possible purchases, contact Sylvi-Ann.
e-mail: sylvi-ann@krohnark.no
telephone: 917 12 917.
Stiftelsen Norsk Gastronomi
Arne Sørvig is a trained chef, raised in the hotel industry in Norway with a family of hotel founders.
Sørvig has chaired the Professional Forum for Food and Drink ÅS in the Matfylket Rogaland, where he, among other things, established the Gladmat Festival. He has been country director for the Seafood Council on the Iberian Peninsula and the Dominican Republic, marketing director at Marine Harvest Group ASA (now: Mowi ASA), and since 2014 led the Norwegian Gastronomy Foundation (before Bocuse d'Or Norway). In 2022, he also founded the "new" Nordicfoodlive together with a group of entrepreneurs, where the aim is to become the "Gateway to sustainable Nordic gastronomy".
The Norwegian Gastronomy Foundation is the "Olympia top for Norwegian Master Chefs". The core activities are the design and execution of cooking competitions, stabilizing funding and being a "butterfly" for all the 6-10 person cooking teams that participate in the Chef of the Year and Bocuse d'Or competitions, as well as ensuring high visibility in processes and results. The competitions are organized in two ventures. The elite initiative includes Chef of the Year, Bocuse d'Or Europe and Bocuse d'Or, while the Youth initiative includes Young Chef of the Year and similar activities.
Norway is the country in the world with the most podium places in Bocuse d'Or (13), and aims to develop teams to stand on the podium in this very challenging international competition in the art of cooking. Among the purposes is also to strengthen the reputation of Norwegian gatsronomy and contribute to spreading knowledge about food and cooking.
The foundation is based in Oslo.